
Wintertime blues

''This feels awsome...''

''I LOVE summer...''

Me: ''I don't mean to disappoint you, but it's not summer yet... We still have about 2 months of winter ahead.''

''What? What did you just say?''

Me: ''It's only February, you know...''

''Oh. I see...''

''I'll take a nap now...''

''Until April... at least.''


  1. I absolutely love your blog Mister Minoune,

  2. ajenglarasati2/13/2014 7:05 PM

    Hai Mr.M... ^_^
    Would you like to know my Indonesian ladies cat?
    Their names are Kobi, Beti, Oshin, Piki Wiki, Alo, Lollipop, and Lollipop Jr.
    They're beautiful :D

    1. Hi and welcome to my blog! Wow, you have many cats (with very cute names!) Do you have a blog or Facebook page where I can see their pictures?
      - Mister Minoune

    2. ajenglarasati2/25/2014 12:51 AM

      I'm so sorry Mr. M... Because I'm so busy right now, I can't make their facebook page or blog nowadays :(
      But, it's in my project plan to make their blog and facebook page. And surely I'll tell you if they have had ones ^_^
      Warm regards from my Indonesian ladies cat :D

    3. Yes yes, let me know if you ever find the time to do so!
      - Mister Minoune
